Monday, June 6, 2011

Edge Edit

Hide and Reveal
Double Fade Border

Flexible Brushed-on Effect

Brushed-on Effect

For each of these effects I just follow the instructions in our book.


  1. I love your scanography collage. You said you used a black jacket, so did you color replace it to this deep purple? I love the color. How did you get the curves of the fabric to match when you blending the image to your final piece? I used a background fabric as well, but had trouble when blending to match up the curves exactly. It looks like you did a perfect job though! I love all you edge effects, but my favorite is probably the flexible brushed on effect that you used with the stars. Where did you get these star brushes? I love the mood of this image and the border adds to it. I think sometimes the borders can take away from the image or add extra cheesy-ness to them, but in this case I really enjoyed what you created.

  2. o Mate well done on your brushed on effect. Mine looks rubbish compared to yours. I love the way that you created it so it has some good form. Making the top wider and the bottom less wide is great visually to the eye. I think that you could remove the word friends and just keep it with the girls jumping as I feel the text is competing for attention. Great shot as well with the lighting and having the girls not be completely in light so it is kind of a silhouette. You have a combination of ideas going on here with great craftsmanship!

  3. I like the vibrance of colors in your pictures. I was actually exiting my apartment on Sunday when you were taking the picture of the three girls in front of the Porter's windows. At the time I found their outfits a bit scandalous but you have obviously made their short shorts less visible with your edge effects. I think if you could have captured a clearer focal point on their faces in the window that would be good, but maybe their backside was your focus. I think that your brush effects are interesting. I like the torn edges, and then the stars brush, and what appears to be guitar picks with a low opacity. Overall good job.
