Monday, May 9, 2011

Flora and Fauna

Beach Wonderer: May 7 3:33pm, Rigby ID, f4, 1/1250, Cannon PowerShot SX130

Kendl and I walked around the empty Rigby Lake. I like how she wandered off into the distance and so I got low and took a shot with her footprint in the sand. I really like how everything was bleach and dried white. She makes a good contrast with her dark coat.

Beach Wonderer Non-Destructive: May 7 3:33pm, Rigby ID, f4, 1/1250, Cannon PowerShot SX130

I used Photoshop to edit this picture. I used adjustment layers to do non-destructive editing. I added a blur, glass and accented edges effect. Then painted black over the mask to remove the effect. I removed the effect from her feet and widened the path all the way back to her footprint. It was to show the path she wandered to get there.

Bunny Love: May 7 2:37pm, Rigby ID, f3.5, 1/1000, Cannon PowerShot SX130

This was a bad bunny. He didn't want to sit still. So we held him down. I liked the angle and having part of my friend in the picture. 

Bunny Love Non-Destructive: May 7 2:37pm, Rigby ID, f3.5, 1/1000, Cannon PowerShot SX130

For this edit I used Lightroom and sharped, added contrast and used a preset creative black and white effect. I was the creative black and white #2 if you are interested.  

Doggy Rug Black and White: May 7 3:04pm, Rigby ID, f3.4, 1/30, Cannon PowerShot SX130

I felt the black and white edit made it seem like he was pondering. 
Doggy Rug Original: May 7 3:04pm, Rigby ID, f3.4, 1/30, Cannon PowerShot SX130

I liked the profile of the dog. He looked like he was pondering. 
Doggy Rug Toned: May 7 3:04pm, Rigby ID, f3.4, 1/30, Cannon PowerShot SX130

I put this in Lightroom and used general auto tone, general punch and tone curve - medium contrast. I like that combination and feel it give a good effect to my pictures. Its becoming my personal style and preference.

Dry Lake Fun Colors: May 7 3:29pm, Rigby ID, f3.4, 1/30, Cannon PowerShot SX130

I wanted to have fun with the colors on this one and really just played around with all the setting and colors until I found something fun I liked. That was a long sentence but it best describes and show how I did this one. I just kept going until I felt I should stop. I really like the popping and unrealistic colors. 

Dry Lake: May 7 3:29pm, Rigby ID, f3.4, 1/30, Cannon PowerShot SX130

This picture was shot really white but I knew it was "never too late" and I could fix it in photoshop/light room. 

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